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Si Bo Wang

Si Bo Wang

514-871-9796, ext. 240
swang@dubelatreille.caSi Bo Wang

Si Bo Wang

Articling student

DUBÉ LATREILLE AVOCATS INC. is proud to announce that Mr. SI BO WANG will join its team in February 2024 to commence his articling.

Si Bo obtained his bachelor's degree in Civil Law (LL.B.) at the Université de Montréal where he is currently pursuing a master's degree in Business Law. 

During his studies, he developed a great interest in Business Law, as well as Civil and Commercial Litigation. He is also interested in Environmental Law. This is why the subject of his master’s thesis pertains to the responsibility of directors in matters of environmental protection under Quebec law.

During his studies, Si Bo also worked as a research assistant and law student in a firm specializing in Real Estate Law. 

Warm welcome to Si Bo with our best wishes for his success!


French, English and Chinese (Mandarin)

Academic education 

  • Université de Montréal, Bachelor of Laws, LL.B., 2021
  • Bar School, 2022
  • Université de Montréal, Master's degree in Business Law (2024/2025)

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